Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Iizuka, Y., Sakaguchi, I.T., Kouketsu, Y., Chung, S.L., Lee, C.Y., Chang, W.Y., and Chen, H.F. (2024) Origins and metamorphism of ophiolitic serpentinites from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: new findings and tectonic implications. International Geology Review.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lee, H.Y., Lo, W.H., Iizuka, Y., Chung, S.L., and Chang, W.Y. (2024) Chemical mass transfer in the subduction zone: a case study from metasomatism between pelitic schist and serpentinite in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. Chemical Geology, in prep.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lee, H.Y., Iizuka, Y., Lo, W.H., Chung, S.L., and Chang, W.Y. (2023) Mass transfer between serpentinites and metapelites in a paleo-subduction interface: a case study from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. US-Taiwan Conference 2023.
Tsai. C.H., Lo, W.H., Dewangga, D.D., Yeh, C.Y., Kuo, L.W., and Iizuka, Y. (2023) Petrographic characterization of some metamorphic rocks from MiDAS drill core samples: a preliminary report. Geological Society of Taiwan (GST) Annual Meeting 2023.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Iizuka, Y., Sakaguchi, I.T., Kouketsu, Y., Chung, S.L., Chang, W.Y., and Chen, H.F. (2023) Deciphering the mysteries in serpentinies from the Yuli belt: origins and metamorphic conditions. Taiwan-Philippines Conference 2023.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lee, H.Y., Lo, W.H., Iizuka, Y., and Lee, C.Y. (2023) Mass transfer between serpentinites and metapelites in a paleo-subduction interface: a case study from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023.
Lo, W.H., Tsai, W.H., and Dewangga, D.D. (2023) On the peak metamorphic conditions of the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: new constraints using garnet isopleths. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lo, W.H., Lee, H.Y., Iizuka, Y., and Kouketsu, Y. (2022) High-pressure rocks within metasomatic zones in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: metamorphic conditions and tectonic implications. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA) 2022.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lee, H.Y., and Iizuka, Y. (2022) Fluid-rock interaction during subduction metamorphism: a case study on metasomatic rocks from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA) 2022.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Iizuka, Y., and Kouketsu, Y. (2022) Subduction metamorphism recorded in metasomatic rocks from the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: metamorphic conditions and tectonic implications. Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Annual Meeting 2022: Chiba, Japan.
Sakaguchi, I.T., Kouketsu, Y., Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., and Michibayashi, K. (2022) Evidence for active subduction zone fluid flow recorded in antigorite serpentinites in the high-P metamorphic Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Annual Meeting 2022: Chiba, Japan.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lee, H.Y., Iizuka, Y., Lo, W.H., and Lee, C.Y. (2022) Metasomatism between serpentinite and pelitic schist in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: fluid-rock interactions during subduction metamorphism. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2022.
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Iizuka, Y., Kouketsu, Y., Sakaguchi, I.T., Chung, S.L., and Chen, H.F. (2021) Reinterpreting Yuli belt serpentinites in eastern Taiwan. Geological Society of Taiwan (GST) Annual Meeting
Sakaguchi, I.T., Kouketsu, Y., Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., and Michibayashi, K. (2020) The microstructure and composition of picrolitic antigorite veins in serpentinites from the high pressure metamorphic Yuli belt in eastern Taiwan. Japan Geoscience Union–American Geophysical Union (JpGU-AGU) Annual Meeting
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Iizuka, Y., Yeh, C.Y., and Kouketsu, Y. (2019) A new discovery of sodic-amphibole in metasomatic zones around serpentinite, Yuli Belt, Eastern Taiwan: metamorphic conditions and tectonic implications. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting
Tsai, C.H., Yeh, C.Y., Dewangga, D.D., Kouketsu, Y., and Masaki, E. (2019) New petrologic indications of subduction metamorphism in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. Japan Geoscience Union–American Geophysical Union (JpGU-AGU) Annual Meeting
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lo, W. H., and Iizuka, Y. (2018) Relict Cr-spinel compositions and their geologic implications of the Yuli belt serpentinites, eastern Taiwan. Geological Society of Taiwan (GST) Annual Meeting
Dewangga, D.D., Tsai, C.H., Lo, W. H., and Iizuka, Y. (2018) Relict chromian spinels in serpentinites of the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: compositional characteristics and geologic implications. Japan Geoscience Union–American Geophysical Union (JpGU-AGU) Annual Meeting
Tsai, C.H., Liu, C., Lo, W.H., Keyser, W., Yeh, C. Y., and Dewangga, D.D. (2017) On the high-pressure tectonic blocks in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: petrological characterization and implications. Geological Society of Taiwan (GST) Annual Meeting 2017:
Ongoing Projects
Currently working on a project related to the tectonic evolutions of the eastern Taiwan geology based on the characteristics of metamorphic rocks.
Social media
(+886)-3-8905177 (Lab)
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University. No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C.